It’s fair to say its been a long and troubled journey for The
Last Guardian. There Initial development started at 2007, the delay resulted in the
game becoming as fabled and mysterious as the mythical beast featured within
it. Shadow Of The Colossus was long thought cancelled, but last year Sony revealed
the game would finally see a release this year, now updated to run on the
PlayStation 4 console.Fumito Ueda has once again
provided a unique environment ,one for that players, which are thrust into with very
little to go on. You play the role of a young boy who awakes, trapped within
unknown ruins story drip-fed via a flashback narration by a man speaking
Japanese. Only heard in voice and he depicts events from his childhood discovery
of Trico. The half-bird-half-dog creature, Unknown dangers await both of them,
out in the wider world. The entire game takes place in the Nest of Trico’s ravine
sized cage of sorts, and escape is what drives both forward, and more
importantly together.
Progress is constantly hampered by the decaying structures and the extreme nature of the environments. Like its predecessors, the locations themselves act as puzzles, and only by utilising and combining the two protagonists’ abilities will you succeed in your escape. Trico is controlled via voice and gesture commands issued by the boy. They’re mapped to the D-pad and activated whilst holding down R1. Like a real animal though, An unlikely bond forms the core experience, with Trico’s personality and mannerisms used to convey a sense of empathetic connection. Believe us, you will care what becomes of him RIGHT Traversing the environment is key to escape, with each location itself providing a puzzle to solve always play ball.
Progress is constantly hampered by the decaying structures and the extreme nature of the environments. Like its predecessors, the locations themselves act as puzzles, and only by utilising and combining the two protagonists’ abilities will you succeed in your escape. Trico is controlled via voice and gesture commands issued by the boy. They’re mapped to the D-pad and activated whilst holding down R1. Like a real animal though, An unlikely bond forms the core experience, with Trico’s personality and mannerisms used to convey a sense of empathetic connection. Believe us, you will care what becomes of him RIGHT Traversing the environment is key to escape, with each location itself providing a puzzle to solve always play ball.